Dry Flies & Emergers
An artificial fly that floats on the water’s surface. The combination of stiff hackle, floatant and a light hook prevent the fly from sinking. Dry flies are intended to simulate natural aquatic or land insects that float on the water’s surface. While the majority of fish are caught below the surface of the water, there is nothing more exhilarating than seeing a fish explode out of the water as it takes your fly.
Click on image to download PDF file of recipe and tying instructions.
contributed by
Marie Boyer
The Big Ugly
contributed by
Terry Robinson
California Coachman
contributed by
Lois McNeil
Charlie Boy Hopper
contributed by
Geoff Smart
Cone Fly
contributed by
Rick Jones
Extended BodyGreen Drake
contributed by
Martin Swain
Elk Hair Caddis
contributed by
Edgar Lau
Elk Hair Caddis
contributed by
Diane Wenham
Extended BodyMayfly
contributed by
Peter Caverhill
Goddard Caddis
contributed by
Peter Chatt
Western Green Drake
contributed by
Danie Erasmus
Henri's Damsel
contributed by
Henri Jover
Irresistable Adams
contributed by
Phil Rowley
Lazy Rider
contributed by
Stan Ogden
Mikulak Sedge
contributed by
Rudy Morzanowski
Moose Hair Skater
contributed by
Anton Pasternak
Parachute Adams
contributed by
Phil Rowley
Parachute Madame X
contributed by
Edgar Lau
S.A. Hopper
contributed by
Ken Brewster
Simply Black
contributed by
Jock Miller
DazzleCaddis Emerger
contributed by
Doug Wright
StillwaterCaddis Emerger
contributed by
John Hay
contributed by
Ed Stefanison
Tape Wing Caddis
contributed by
Peter Caverhill
Tom Thumb
contributed by
Mike Harper
The Triple A
contributed by
Darren Smith